1|1|0|What is the origin of Unix?|Invented by IBM to solve the problem of making a multi-tasking operating system for the IBM PC.|1
1|2|0|What is the origin of Unix?|Unix was created as a testing environment for the C programming language.|1
1|3|1|What is the origin of Unix?|Unix was invented at Bell Labs as an expermental project to make a machine independent operating system.|1
1|4|0|What is the origin of Unix?|Unix was developed by a group of companies called the Open Software Foundation to provide an alternative to Microsoft products.|0
2|1|1|What does GNU mean?|GNU is Not Unix.|1
2|2|0|What does GNU mean?|General Non-Proprietary Unix.|1
2|3|0|What does GNU mean?|Global Networking Unix.|0
3|1|0|The hierarcheral directory structure of Unix was designed to:|Make it easy for Microsoft and IBM DOS users to use Unix files.|1
3|2|1|The hierarcheral directory structure of Unix was designed to:|Appear as an inverted tree that makes it easy to organize files.|1
3|3|0|The hierarcheral directory structure of Unix was designed to:|Improve on the directory structure originally introduced in the IBM VMS operating system acquired from DEC.|0
4|1|0|Unix is related to the Internet because:|Both the Internet and Unix were developed by the same company.|1
4|2|0|Unix is related to the Internet because:|The Internet's central computer system is powered by a Unix system.|1
4|3|1|Unix is related to the Internet because:|Many of the protocols and utilities that implement the Internet were originally built in the Unix environment.|0